In my opinion, save the date cards are such a hassle. I know according to wedding etiquette they are necessary for destination weddings and weddings near holidays. Unfortunately, Joe and I are not doing a destination wedding, but we are doing a wedding the weekend before Christmas. I guess our date falls under the need to send a save the date category. Lucky me!!!
I am annoyed at the whole process of sending a save the date. First of all, I think it is an added expense. Can't I just send a blast email or create a Facebook event to let everyone know about the date? Second of all, Shutterfly is making my want to drink a lot of wine. In an effort to create budget friendly save the dates and exercise some creativity, I decided to make a picture card. Sounds easy right? Should be a fairly easy process when you already have professional photographs from the engagement.
Two problems...
1). I look horrible in most of the engagement pictures. I think I am getting to the point in my life when I need to start using anti-wrinkle cream (hello friends...why have you not clued me into this need?). Why do I have squinty eyes and fine lines next to my eyes in every picture? Any picture I took when I tried to look serious should be burned immediately. I would be instantly eliminated on America's Next Top Model for only having one look - the giant smile. My favorite pictures from the engagement are the ones where Joe and I are looking at one another and not at the camera, and I am guessing that relatives want to see our faces (especially since many of the wedding guests might not even know who we are). There are some pretty cute kissing pictures, but Charlotte put it best...kissing pictures are tacky.
2). The one picture I like of Joe and I facing the camera (you can still see lines by my eyes, but oh well) won't fit in the image box on the card I picked out from Shutterfly. Come on...can't an annoyed bride-to-be get a break? Joe's head is slightly cut-off (I am laughing, but it's really not funny). I thought I would outsmart the program by cropping the picture in IPhoto. Yeah, that idea didn't work. (For fun I included the picture in this post.)
Why does this have to be so complicated? I am only working on the save the date. I can't imagine what it is going to be like when Joe and I try to make our own invitations (I bet you want to be a fly on our wall that night). I better stock the house with lots of wine.
Did I mention that Joe is at the Lakers game (lucky!) and I am dealing with photo card drama by myself? He has more patience than I do and is much better equipped for anything on the computer. Perhaps, this should be a groom project. He already met with the florist a few weeks ago when he was in St. Louis for work. I personally think he is a fantastic wedding planner. Maybe I should delegate more of the wedding planning duties to Joe. After all, the fun part (shopping for my dress and the bridesmaids dresses) is already over. Leave it to me to do the clothes shopping first!
I do have a rave about the wedding. Today's knot.com newsletter talked about wedding workouts. YAY! I looked at the play lists on the site and got some good music. Some of it was downright weird (but I am sure most of you say that about my play list suggestions) and a bit scary. I always like finding new music. What else will keep me motivated on the elliptical at 5:00am?