April 18, 2010

I Have Not Fallen Off The Face Of The Earth

My last post was nearly 2 months ago. I'm sure my followers (all 10 of them) have been wondering what has happened to me. Rest assured fans, I am alive and well.

Since a lot has happened in a couple of months, I thought I would start by updating you on my progress towards achieving my 2010 goals. Not only is this a good way to share with you my triumphs and slip-ups, but it's also a good check in with myself to see where I stand. We are already 1/4 of the way through the year (hard to believe!).

Personal Growth - I have continued to take the Saturday hip-hop class and love, love, love it! I have only missed 3 classes (one because I was teaching a charity spin class, one because I decided to spend the day with my husband and the other because my dad was in town). I am so into hip hop that I even bought shoes to wear to class. This was a very necessary purchase. It might have set me back a little on my paying down credit card debt goal, but I needed the shoes for class. Have you ever tried to dance in running shoes? I have not taken an official cooking class, but I did make risotto thanks to a good friend who offered to teach me some cooking skills. Can I get partial credit for this? I just finished reading Play Like A Man, Win Like A Woman (fantastic read for all of you career focused women). Best quote from the book..."We have to remember that both I can and I can't are true statements. If you believe you can, you can. If you believe you can't, you can't." I have also been reading Drive by Daniel Pink. Motivation is not just about rewards and punishments. I finished Candace Bushnell's Trading Up last month, but I guess that doesn't count since it was not a business book. 2 business books down and 4 months in, I guess I am a little behind in this area.

Running a Half Marathon Under 2 Hours - I have my sights set on 3 half marathons this year. Disneyland in September, Lewis & Clark back in St. Louis in October (it will be my sister's 1st half so I have to be there to run with her) and LA Rock 'n' Roll at the end of October. I have been running outside on the weekends and on the treadmill once or twice during the week. I need to step it up in terms on weekly mileage, but I'm confident I can kill this goal. I'm now teaching 2 spinning classes per week, which definitely helps build my endurance. Kind of a random note...I met Dean Karnazes (the Ultra Marathon man) at a kick-off party for the LA Rock 'n' Roll. I had no idea who he was when I was talking to him, but after googling his name I realized he is a big deal in the running world.

Certified Coach - I'll know this week if I am able to go to our home office for the clinic. Super excited about the possibility! I'm still focused on helping at least one rep from each class reach the 6-month benchmark. I am 3 for 3 now!

About those credit cards...old habits die hard. The good news is that I am more aware of what I am spending and charging. The bad news...it's summer shoe time and Nine West recently had a great sale. Still some work to be done in this area. It would be really great if I didn't like nice things or enjoy shopping. I think I need to pick up a 3rd spin class just to support my shoe habit.

I'll try to write more often. It's fun to share what's been going on and what I have been experiencing in LA.

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