August 1, 2010

Sometimes You Have It, Sometimes You Don't!

I have been more committed to my half marathon training schedule than I ever have been before. I have actually done most of the speed work and strength training sessions (with the help of a personal trainer). I have logged the long runs diligently. Yesterday, I went out for my 9-mile run. I was pumped to hit the Silver Lake trail. It's a 2.3 mile trail around a fake lake. I knew I only had to go around the trail 4 times and I did it a few weeks ago, so I thought piece of cake. I started off strong. One lap in and I was feeling great, well except for my annoying fuel belt. Can someone please invent a fuel belt for petite women? I swear I burned a ton of energy adjusting my belt. Every other step that thing would ride up my waist! Music was great. I got into some DMB, which fired me up for their upcoming concert. My mind started to wander about new opportunities and career goals. The sun was shining and I was happy to be out running.

Then I hit the third lap. I started to feel fatigued and wanted to stop. I tried repeating my positive running affirmation (I am crossing the finish line of the Disney half-marathon under 2 hours and I feel ecstatic!). I played mental games with myself and tried to convince myself that I didn't have much longer to go. Finally I finished the 3rd lap and started my 4th and final lap around the fake lake. I was about 8 miles in when I came up to a hill and I stopped running. I don't remember telling myself to stop running and start walking. It just happened. I was so frustrated! I don't like to walk on my runs. I felt defeated. I felt exhausted and walked shamelessly up the hill. I walked for 4 minutes and decided I had enough. I picked up my pace and started to run again. I ran the rest of the lap and finished my 9.2 mile run in 86 minutes. I was bummed about walking until I got home and checked my training schedule. When I did the same run a couple of weeks ago I finished the 9.2 miles in 88 minutes. I did better than last time even with 4 minutes of walking.

Lessons learned...sometimes you have it and the conditions are just right. Sometimes you just don't have it. Yesterday, I just didn't have it. Maybe it was because I went out too late in the day. I started running around 1:00pm with only breakfast as my fuel. Maybe I was tired from traveling for work the week before. Regardless of the conditions, never give up! Keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter how slow or how fast. You just might surprise yourself.

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