August 28, 2010

There's A Difference Between Interest & Commitment

I love the saying, there's a difference between interest and commitment. When you are interested in something you do it only when it's convenient, but when you are committed to something you accept no excuses only results! I think about running and training for the Disney half marathon (which is next week!!). I am committed to training. I have run up to 11 miles and have pulled my aching body out of bed at 5:30am to pound out speed-work on the treadmill. On one of my long runs I thought it would be a good idea to give up sweets to purify my body before the half. Clearly, I was only interested in this idea. I failed terribly!

I bought Ben & Jerry's for my last binge on ice cream a few weeks ago before giving it up. I ate my Ben & Jerry's and managed to polish off Joe's container of ice cream. Last weekend we had visitors in town and ordered dessert at one of our favorite restaurants in downtown LA. I managed to resist the macaroons when the waiter first delivered them on the table, but chocolate souffle and way. I decided I was merely interested, indulged in the amazing dessert and ate the macaroons too. I also had to take our guests to Pinkberry. I would have been an awful host to deny them the delicious fro-yo treat because I was committed to not eating sweets. I swore to myself I would start fresh and commit to the idea of no sweets this week. I took a cooking class Thursday and we made a walnut cake with raspberry whip cream. How do I not eat something I helped create?

So here I am a week away from the half marathon wondering if my failed commitment to giving up sweets will impact my results. I'm hoping that my commitment to following my training plan outweighs my interest in giving up sweets. After all of my hard work and running, don't I deserve a treat anyways?

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