March 7, 2009

2nd Day in the City

January 19th

My 2nd day in LA was much less traumatic. I decided to explore my city. I got up and headed to the grocery store I was unable to find on my first night in LA. I was delighted when I passed 2 Starbucks on the route (I went the same way I will go every morning to work and girl is addicted to non-fat lattes). I finally found the grocery store (yay me! It closed at 5pm on Sunday, so the building was probably dark when I drove by it several times). The store has a fabulous wine section and it even has a sushi bar. Imagine my delight when I saw the glorious pink X-Rated in the liquor section (must pick some up for upcoming b-day celebration so Joe and I can do it college style and pre-party before hitting the clubs where drink costs $16). After the grocery store I decided to treat myself to a latte and a little reading. My plan quickly changed when I noticed several of the streets closed off by downtown public safety and filled with fire trucks and police cars. I convinced myself there was a bomb threat (a result of being alone for a couple of days) and hightailed it to my apartment. I decided to leave the city and go to the beach where I would be safe. I hit up the Village Beach Runner and bought some new kicks (Saucony rocks for those of you in need of new running shoes) and took my purchase for a spin on the beach path. I ate lunch at the most glorious Whole Foods in the entire world. The salad bar was so extensive that they even separated out the peppers based on color. I conquered the drive back into the city and felt a bit more relaxed on the crazy freeway. I tried to cook some dinner in the oven and it started to smoke when I turned it on (Carrie Bradshaw was no dummy when she used her oven to store clothes). I planned to avoid using the oven until Joe got to town. I didn't want to be alone if I set off the firm alarms. I rented out our screening room (quite possibly the coolest place in the world to watch TV or movies) to watch 24 and headed off to bed. I feel asleep feeling very happy being in LA (or perhaps it was the Cabernet).

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