March 10, 2009

Nerd Alert

As promised...the first post under Fabulous Reading

On Sunday, I finished reading another book. I love the feeling I get when I finish reading a book. A feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. A little personal indulgence. But, the best part is deciding what to read next.

I have not always been an avid reader. In undergrad I could not understand why my roommates would read books for fun. I barley even read my text books for class. In graduate school I was forced to read in order to survive. In theories class we read a new book every other week. I read through hundreds of articles for various papers. After reading so much about the history of communication and the theories of the discipline, I needed to read something fun, fluffy and exciting. Thus, my love for chic-lit developed. I immersed myself into the world of reading for fun slowly. I started off with books like 4 Blondes and Everyone Worth Knowing. I would read a few each year. Now I am up to a few a month. I can't devour books fast enough. I am like a kid on Halloween with a sugar high.

My passion for reading coincides nicely with my shopping addiction. I love to buy books. (I really should try borrowing. I walk by the LA library every day.) There is just something about actually owning books. I think your book shelves say a lot about who you are as a person and the books on those shelves create a personal history of your life.

I am going for a record breaking reading year (It helps when you have a lot of personal time. I was not working my first two weeks in LA, so I spent every morning at a coffee shop). Please don't judge me as a reader purely on my list below. I promise I have thought provoking books on my shelves. I have great inspirational books (such as The Go Giver by Bob Burg). I also have several books directed towards working women (from my graduate school thesis on women and work family balance). I have quite a few books that talk about succeeding in your career (I am climbing to the top of my ladder. No glass ceiling for this woman!). It just seems that I have been in the mood to read a lot of chic-lit, nonfiction and humor lately.

So far this year I have finsihed:
Celebutantes - Amanda Goldberg and Ruthanna Khalighi Hopper (I had to prepare myself for living near Hollywood. Loved this book!)
Bright Lights Big Ass - Jen Lancaster (If you have not read any of Lancaster's books, do so now. She has another one coming out May excited. I think I will camp out in front of Borders.)
Smart Like Me - Diane Vadino
Such A Pretty Fat - Jen Lancaster (I risked my life by walking through the scary part of town to purchase this book. Worth every second of praying for no one to attack me. Read it in a few days...just could not put it down.)
Fourplay - Jane Moore
Straight Up And Dirty - Stephanie Klein
Confessions Of A Beauty Addict - Nadine Haobsh (This book was featured in a fashion magazine, so I figured I would check it out. Easy read. Love the idea of working at a magazine. Sounds so glamouous!)

I am currently reading:
Are You There Vokda? It's Me, Chelsea - Chelsea Handler (Great book if you want something hilarious to read. Each chapter is a different story, so it is good to read if you are really busy and not able to focus on heavy intellictual material.)
In Defense Of Food: An Eater's Manifesto - Michael Pollan (I have been trying to finish this book for a month. It's not bad, just very historical. I am not a fan of history. One of my least favorite subjects. It is a good book for all advocates of the vegetarian diet. Anyone who is trying to limit their processed food intake should read this immediately. Be weary of any food product with ingredients you can't pronounce and those with tons of other words they are fake foods.)

If you want to know more about one of these books, just ask. If you have a great book I should read next let me know. Spoiled: Stories by Caitlin Macy is on my wish list!

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